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18 Tips for College Freshers to Survive


College is different from high school. Just the thought of going to a new place, full of new people and experiences can be overwhelming for some students. So many students face anxiety issues at the beginning of college. Of course, in time everyone falls in love with their college but the first few days can be harrowing. However, freshers need not worry. There are a few tips and tricks you can use to survive college. These are simple to follow and will ensure you not just survive, but thrive and have a great time in college.

18 Tips for College Freshers to Survive

As a fresher, there are so many things you are expected to deal with - travel, lectures, making new friends, adjusting to a new environment, and so much more. Worry not, the following tips will help you deal with everything and help you emerge a confident student ready to do well in college and take on the world.

You must have heard from your parents and elders about their days in college. Surely you too would love to look fondly dwell upon your days in college. So, apply the following tips to cope with college as a fresher.

Here are a few tips for college fresher to survive

1. Be Yourself

To be able to fit into a new environment and gel with new people, many freshers make the mistake of hiding their true personality and take on a fake persona. They change everything about themselves. Slowly, it can get suffocating for them. Dont make this mistake.

Be yourself as much as possible. This way, you will always be happy and comfortable being yourself and you will be able to find people who will like you for who you truly are. You will thrive in all aspects of your college life.

2. Know About The College

After you have secured admission in a college, you can get to know about your college. You can learn about its history, management, faculty and a lot more. You can find this info on the college website or the college library.

Knowledge about college is also a good conversation starter. So this information will help with you getting acquainted with fellow students.

3. Attend Lectures Regularly

Right after high school, students tend to get crazy in college and bunk a lot of lectures. This could become a bad habit and will affect you adversely. Therefore, attend lectures regularly.

Regular attendance will ensure you do well and also get a good reputation among other students and the faculty of your college.

4. Follow Rules & Regulations

Many students think breaking rules and regulations, and getting into trouble is a good thing to do, and will make you popular. This has been proven wrong time and again, and you only end up attracting the wrong crowd.

Follow the rules and regulations, and you will have a good, worry-free time in college. You can then concentrate on other things and enjoy your college life.

5. Dress & Groom Well

This may not seem like a big thing but it is important. Having a good appearance is always good. This makes you more likable and approachable.

A college is a place of young people, so fashion is important and it will also help you make friends with other stylish people like you. This does not mean go crazy on clothes. But do have a decent wardrobe, and maintain personal care.

6. Be Well-Mannered

Being a good, well-mannered person will not only help you in college, but it will also help you in life. Remember, you are also there representing your family name. How you behave reflects on your upbringing.

Greet people, show respect to elders and your professors - overall, be a good person, and you will gain a good reputation in your college.

7. Do Well

In your anxiety to survive college, dont forget why you got admission there in the first place - to study and make a career. So, this should be the foremost thing on your mind.

Study hard, be sincere and always remember to do well in college no matter what. The rest of the things will surely fall into place.

8. Find Like-Minded People

Research shows that people tend to have long-lasting and fulfilling friendships with people who share your likes and dislikes. Friendship is an important part of college life.

So, look for people who share your ideology and point-of-view on most things, and you wont even have to put in a lot of effort to make friends.

9. Be Helpful

The harsh reality today is that most people are selfish and are unwilling to help out. You be different. Be helpful towards your fellow students. Help with lectures and notes or anything else important.

Of course, you do not have to help to the point that your health and well-being are affected. But do help others when are in a position to help.

10. Extracurricular Activities

One of the best things in life that truly develop you as a person and help make your college life more enjoyable is extracurricular activities.

Intercollegiate events, competitions, campus drives, etc. - you have many opportunities to take part in extracurricular activities, develop yourself and earn some glory for your college.

11. Play a Sport

If you played a sport in your high school, make sure you continue to do so in your college as well. If its a team sport, you then get a team to be friends with, and if its a solo sport, you can befriend others who are interested in the sport.

Faculty and management also tend to favour students who play sports and represent the college in important competitions.

12. Partake in Clubs

Most good colleges have multiple clubs for students to take part in. Join a club you like. These clubs are a great place for learning more than just academics and making good friends.

Clubs range from debate club, film appreciation club, music club, theatre clubs, etc. So, finding something you like will not be difficult.

13. Be Socially Active

If there are some particular social causes you truly believe in, you can take part in them and get other students to do that as well. It is always good for freshers to be socially active and create awareness.

However, dont just be socially active for your college survival. Be active to make a difference and you will realise that you can make a difference, and meet some excellent people along the way.

14. Be Politically Active

You can mark this point down to personal choice. It is not necessary to be politically active in your college, but it is a great way to experience a whole new aspect of college.

You get to also learn about the problems students face, among other things and get an opportunity to make a difference to the campus life of others. So, if you truly are interested, fresh into the college is a good time to start.

15. Be on Good Terms with Professors

No, this does not mean you have to become a teachers pet. This means that be respectful towards them, be attentive in their lectures, and take their help when needed.

Almost all professors are quite helpful and nice. If you are in need, they will help you to the best of their capacity. So, its great to be on good terms with professors.

16. Know the Support Staff

You will notice that some of the most liked students in college know or are friends with the support staff. This is just a matter of manners. Show respect to the staff that also plays an important role in making students lives better.

Just simple greetings, or saying please and thank you will make a difference. So, get to know the support staff and college life will be great for you.

17. Befriend Seniors

Freshers tend to be nervous around seniors and try to avoid crossing paths with them. However, who understands better what you are going through than your seniors.

Start with a simple hi and an introduction and you will be surprised to know how friendly and helpful they can be. Of course, there could be an exception occasionally but dont let that dishearten you. To have a good time in college, you will need to be friends with seniors.

18. Find Cool Hangout & Eating Joints

Who doesnt love the person who knows all the best hangouts and eating joints. So, get searching! Regarding hangouts, find a place that is quiet & peaceful, but safe.

Most students in college do not have too much money, so look for places that are cheap and serve delicious food. Many students develop a nostalgic connection to such places.


Final Advice for First-Year College Students

Theres a lot more you can do to ensure you survive as a fresher, but here's some important advice, not just for your college life, but for your personal life as well. Follow it and things will be great.

Always do what is right and never compromise on good morals and ethics. You may not have the smoothest time, or make many friends, but you will be the best you can be as a person, and you will make lifelong friends.

Now that you have read the tips, you can stop worrying and look forward to one of the best phases in your life. College life makes you who you are supposed to be and gives you memories that will always bring a smile on your face. So, get ready to have the best time in college.

If you are still anxious about college and starting fresh, our counsellors are always there to help you out. Get in touch for guidance



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