Congratulations on passing one of your biggest hurdles - graduation. You are entitled to celebrate and relax for a bit before you take on the next challenge i.e. getting a job. Nowadays, it is not as simple as handing in your resume and getting the job; you need to have some mental preparation for the task. Many people have the qualifications, but do not have job-hunting skills, which results in them missing out on great opportunities. This should not happen. You may lose out on your dream career. Therefore, you need guidance and all the help you can for getting a job. From the little things you can do to push your chances, to complete mental preparedness, here, you will find the most useful 20 job hunting tips that will help you get a job after graduation.
20 Job Search Tips for College Graduate
Follow these tips to have an advantage over others. Straight out of college, you are young and dont have much idea. You will make mistakes. But the tips you are going to get here will help you a lot. You will be confident, and well-prepared to crack your interview and get a job.
1. Have a Plan
Many graduates do not have a plan for a job search. Make a list of companies you want to apply in according to your priority. Check if they are hiring. Look for reviews by former employees. Once you know a little bit about a companys interview process, plan for each step of your job application process. Planning will also make you feel confident about interviewing.
2. Proofread Your Resume Well
So many young graduates make a lot of errors in their resumes. Some companies are such sticklers for grammatically correct, error-free resumes that they instantly reject candidates if they find any mistakes. So, make sure you proofread well. You can use the many online tools and websites available, and you can get the help of your friends and family to ensure an error-free resume.
3. Put Forth Your Uniqueness
Think from an employers point of view. Why should they hire you over other candidates? This way, you will be able to spot the things that make you unique. You have to push these unique skills and talents in your resume. Plus, if these things will make you better at your job, potential employers will notice and offer you a job.
4. Grab Opportunities
Get out there. Grab all the opportunities you get. Many graduates make the mistake of being too picky and choosy. They lose out on great opportunities, and later have to get jobs that arent that great. Therefore, at least interview and get a good look at all the opportunities you get early on. Youd be surprised at the great opportunities you get early one.
5. Think of an Internship
Right off the bat, you can start as an intern. Companies are more than happy to hire interns as they do not have to pay you as much as a full-time employee, but get the same amount of work done. Therefore, you can get in touch with your colleges internship coordinator and tackle their help in finding a suitable internship. If an intern does good work, many companies absorb them as full-time employees. Also, you gain experience and can network.
6. Temporary Job
If you cant get a full-time job, you can get a temporary job. Some agencies can get you a job temporarily. The advantage of this is that these agencies then assess you as an employee. They will give you a clear picture of where you stand in the professional world. Plus, you will make money doing a temporary job, and companies do consider your temporary job experience while assessing you.
7. Persistence Is Key
After giving an interview, many candidates just wait around and waste their time. Be proactive and follow up. Sometimes, there are chances there has been an oversight and you werent considered. Your follow up will remind them. Things can change at the drop of a hat. This means, new opportunities may arise in the company that you might get considered for.
8. Take Help from Faculty & Alumni
Your faculty and alumni can help you get a job. Faculty, of course, has connections in the industry and can get you to interview opportunities. They will also guide you regarding job hunting. Also, be on good terms with your alumni, and be active in the alumni association. Good relations will result in job opportunities as they are all probably employed in the industry.
9. Be Active Daily
Make sure you are doing something every day. There may be a time you might want to take a break from searching, owing to frustration or tiredness, but dont. Be persistent and that opportunity you have been looking for will surely come. Do this especially when there is an economic slowdown in your industry or country.
10. Search Online
Online is one of the best ways to job hunt. We are living in a digital age, and even companies now look for potential candidates more on the internet than anywhere else. With the rise of professional social networking sites like LinkedIn, the pattern is pretty clear as to where to look for a dream job.
11. Network Every Chance You Get
One cannot stress how important networking is to get a good job. From entry-level employees to the high profile position holders, all network to get new and better job opportunities. So, getting talking, meet with people from your industry, or even different industries. Soon enough, you will have an opportunity come through.
12. Be Positive & Patient
If things are not happening, many graduates become easily disheartened. Do not do this. When it comes to searching for a job, you have to be patient and positive. Negativity and impatience have a huge impact on your personality, and these will affect all future interviews you give. Therefore, be positive and patient throughout.
13. Do Something Useful
Some people like to develop their resumes a little bit during their free time with short courses related to their industry. You can also do some volunteer work that not only looks good on your resume but will also make you feel good about yourself. Many companies prefer such candidates who have done something useful in their free time.
14. Be Open to Moving
Of course, it is a dream to get a job in your city where your friends and family are, but if you are getting a good job in another city, consider taking it. Yes, moving can be scary and taxing, but if in return, you are getting a great job then why not. Plus, moving to another city can be a lot of fun as well, as you get a change of scenery and will make new friends.
15. Online Persona
Did you know, nowadays, companies also take a close look at your social media profiles before they hire you? Yes, this is happening. And if you are not confident about your social media profiles being proper, clean it up. Remove pictures and comments that you might think will hurt your chances of employment. Look like a person a company would be happy to hire.
16. Needless Education
Though it is good to do courses that will add to your resume and professional weight, many make the mistake of enrolling into full-time degrees. There is no need to go in for a needless degree if they are not going to help you get a job or get a higher salary. Not to mention, you will lose money paying the tuition fees.
17. Maintain a Record
Keep a record of all the interviews you have given and classify things like how you didreasons for rejections, follow-ups, etc. These things will help you paint a clearer picture. You will be able to see your shortcomings and rectify those mistakes before the next interview.
18. Form a Team
Surely, you will have fellow graduate students also looking for a job. Therefore, you can team up with a few fellow students and look for jobs together. You can exchange leads, interview tips, share information and spread your network. Before you know it, all of you will have a job because you worked as a team. Teamwork rarely fails.
19. Unadvertised Openings
Most jobs are advertised, but sometimes, there are positions open and companies dont advertise it. Probably because it is not affecting work or they are considering past candidates. To know about such jobs, you need to rely on your network of people like alumni, vendors, and other employees. But the chances of getting hired are more in such scenarios.
20. Work on Your Personality
Even in a job interview, you are judged by the way you carry yourself. Personality and manners matter a lot. Therefore, if you are preparing for an interview, keep your personality in mind. Make sure you are well-groomed and dressed for all your interviews. Many candidates do get rejected for reasons like poor dressing, bad manners, etc.
How to Stay Positive if You Cant Get a Job
Its hard when you dont have a job. You start to head into a negative space with each failed interview. But dont lose hope. Things will get better. Keep telling this to yourself, so you stay positive. Also, exercise, do yoga, or Pilates. These activities release endorphins that will help you be happy and positive. If it still doesnt help, always remember the law of averages. With every interview you give, your chances of eventually getting a job become better. The law of averages holds true, and you will get a job.
Put to good use the aforementioned tips, and you will find your dream job. It takes patience on your behalf, but once you succeed, all the struggles will be worth it.
You wont face any job issues with us, as we have a great track record of 100% placements in excellent organizations. To know more, get in touch with our counsellors.