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A Guide MAH-CET 2020: Application Form, Dates, Eligibility, Preparation Tips & More!


About MAH CET Exam 2020

Maharashtra Common Entrance Test or MAH CET Exam 2020 is the entrance exam for B-schools and management institutes located in the state of Maharashtra. It is a competitive entrance exam that tests qualities that are important in a management course. Conducted by the Directorate of Technical Education (DTE) MHA CET 2020 is scheduled to be held on the 14th of March, 2020, all over different centres in the state of Maharashtra.

MAH CET opens doors for you to some of the best management institutes in Maharashtra. This state is an excellent place to do management as it home to some of the best institutes in the country and is also home to many international level companies and businesses where management students find high-paying jobs. So, if you are considering doing a Master of Business Administration or a Master of Management Studies course, you can enrol in and start preparing for MAH CET.

Before you apply, you should know all about the MAH CET exam. In the following article, you will get information like important dates, eligibility criteria, exam syllabus, pattern, preparation tips and more. After reading it, you will have a clear idea about MAH CET, so you can apply and start preparing.    

MAH CET 2020 Exam Important Dates & Highlights

The first thing you should know about MAH CET Exam 2020 is the important dates related to it. Only then will you know when to apply and when to expect the results. Today, everything is online, including MAH CET registrations, admit card and results, and everything has a set date. Therefore, it is important to know the dates

  • Online registration for MAH CET 2020 will start in the 3rd week of January.

  • Online registration last date is the 3rd week of February.

  • Post the closing of registrations, the hall tickets will be released in the 4th week of February.

  • 14th March is the date for MAH CET 2020.

  • The results will be declared in the 4th week of March.

  • Counselling will start in June.

MAH CET 2020 Application Form

In the 3rd week of January, the application forms will be made available online. The following are the steps you have to follow to register online for the exam. Heres what you have to do:-

  • On the official website, you have to click the new registration button, where you will have to provide your basic details. Once you fill in the details and proceed, you will be given a unique registration number and password. You can also set your password.

  • Using the given registration number and password, you log in and you will be taken to the application form. Fill in the details correctly, and proceed forward. Make sure you have filled in all the details correctly.

  • The next step is to upload your picture and signature. Make sure the images are clear and in the format stated by the MAH CET registration website. The photograph has to be coloured, and your sign has to be in black ink on a white paper. Check all your details again because, after submission, you will not be able to change it.

  • The final step is to pay the fees. Payments are now completely online. General category students have to pay INR 1000/-, and reserved category students have to pay INR 800/-. After successful payment, make sure to download the e-receipt and the application form.

MAH CET 2020 Eligibility Criteria

Before you start the application process, you have to make sure that you are fit the eligibility criteria for appearing for MAH CET.

Here are the eligibility points:-

  • You need to have a graduate degree from a legitimate course from a recognised with a percentage of at least 50 or more.

  • Reserved category students are eligible with 45% or more in their graduate degree.

  • Final year students can also appear for the exam if they have appeared for their final exams and are awaiting results.

  • Reserved category students need to have certification stating their caste or their status as a person with disabilities.

MAH CET 2020 Exam Pattern

You need to know the pattern of MAH CET. It is not a simple question and answers paper with basic subjects. You will face difficult subjects and questions in a different pattern. Once you know the pattern, you will be able to plan an answering strategy.

Heres the pattern:-

  • Exam Mode - This is an online exam

  • Exam Duration - 2 hours, 30 minutes

  • Exam Language - English

  • Types of Questions - Multiple choice questions

  • Number of Questions - 200 questions

  • Total Marks - 200 marks

  • Marking - 1 mark for every right answer. No marks will be subtracted for a wrong answer.

  Question Division:-

  • Logical Reasoning - 75 questions

  • Abstract Reasoning - 25 questions

  • Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension - 50 questions

  • Quantitative Ability - 50 questions

MAH CET 2020 Syllabus

It is important to know the syllabus if you want to prepare well. The syllabus has been designed in such a way that it will truly your intelligence quotient. Here are the subjects you will face in MAH CET:-

1. Quantitative Aptitude -

This section will test your mathematical abilities with questions on profit & loss, simple & compound interest, ratio & proportions, speed & distance, time & work, etc.

2. Logical & Abstract Reasoning -

This section tests your reasoning skills and decision-making abilities with puzzles and questions on relationship.

3. Verbal Ability or Reading Comprehension -

This section tests your reading and English language skills with comprehension, synonyms, antonyms, verbs, adjectives, errors, one word, etc.    

MAH CET 2020 Preparation Tips

Though the date for MAH CET 2020 may seem far away, it is much nearer. If you want to do well and get admission in the topmost management institutes in Maharashtra.

Here are some tips for you to follow and prepare well.

1. Revision-

Revise the syllabus stated above. There are only so many different questions you can do. The fundamentals remain the same. With revision, you will be able to solve a variety of questions and do well.

2. Read Books -

Many people have done well in MAH CET, and other such competitive entrance exams. They have also written books on how they were able to crack these exams. Read these books, they are helpful.

3. Mock Tests -

There are many MAH CET mock tests online that you can do as a method of preparing yourself. These tests are near to the tests as they can be quite helpful when it comes to helping prepare. They are freely available online.

4. Videos -

If you look online, you will also find many help and tutorial videos that will help you. Just like the books, these videos have also been made by people who have cracked MAH CET, and you can trust them to help you prepare.

5. Study Group -

If you have friends who are also preparing for MAH CET, you can make a study group with them. You can really help each other out by discussing and solving questions together. You can also play to each others strengths

6. Coaching -

You can join many coaching classes that especially coach students to crack competitive exams. Many students join these classes as they are quite helpful. You can consider joining such classes too.

MAH CET 2020 Hall Ticket

The 4th week of February is when your hall tickets will be available online for you to download them. Heres how you download:-

  • Go to MAH CETs official website, once the availability of hall tickets has been announced.

  • Log in using the unique registration number/login ID that was already provided.

  • Your hall ticket will appear on the screen.

  • Check if all the details are correct.

  • Download the hall ticket on to your computer and then take a print of the hall ticket.

  • You have to carry this hall ticket with you on the day of the exam or else you will not be allowed to sit for the exam.

Recommended Books for MAH CET 2020

As mentioned before, there are some excellent books out there that will help you with preparation for competitive entrance exams. These books have been written by authors who regularly sit, and score high marks in MAH CET exams. Down below are the names of 5 books by renowned authors.

You can use these books for your preparation.

  1. A Modern Approach to Logical Reasoning by R.S. Aggarwal

  2. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations by RS Aggarwal

  3. English is Easy Magical Book Series by Chetananand Singh

  4. Maharashtra CET-MBA 2020 with Solved Papers & Mock Papers by RK Jha

  5. Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis

In Summary

The above-stated information should be more than enough to enlighten you on MAH CET. The exam is not that far away, so start preparing now if you want to be ready and do well. When it comes to management courses, it is important to get into good institutes. Therefore, do your best in the upcoming MAH CET.



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