Business Analytics: Types, How it Work, Tools, Benefits, Uses | IBMR
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Business Analytics (BA): Everything You Need to Know

Business Analytics (BA): Everything You Need to Know

Table of Contents

What is Business Analytics?

A simple definition of business analytics would be to convert business data into accurate business insights. A more in-depth definition would be the collection of business data from various sources, processing them and using various methodologies to extract the desired insightful data from these datasets. Today, business analytics is conducted with the help of high-tech software and tools that provide insightful data at the touch of a button.

Business analytics has made strong headway into business. Though midsize and small businesses are slowly waking up to the advantages of business analytics, large companies are already employing the services of business analytics experts and are buying or are investing in the development of business analytics software based on which they can make decisions.

In the following blog, theres all the relevant information you need about business analytics. From its importance, tools, and components to the best examples of business analytics being a part of our everyday lives, theres all the information you need to understand the importance of business analytics and the future scope.

Suggested Reading: How Business Analytics Has Evolved Over the Years


Basic Fundamentals of Business Analytics

Business analytics involves using statistical methods, technologies, and processes to analyze historical data and gain new insights to drive strategic decision-making. By transforming raw data into meaningful information, businesses can identify patterns, predict future trends, and enhance their operational efficiency. Understanding the basic fundamentals is crucial for leveraging analytics effectively in any organization.

Fundamental Concepts:

  1. Data Collection: Gathering relevant data from various sources such as sales records, customer feedback, and market research.
  2. Data Management: Organizing and storing data efficiently to ensure it is accessible and usable.
  3. Statistical Analysis: Applying statistical techniques to interpret data and uncover trends and correlations.
  4. Data Visualization: Creating visual representations of data, like charts and graphs, to make complex information more understandable.
  5. Predictive Modelling: Using historical data to predict future outcomes and identify potential opportunities or risks.
  6. Decision Making: Utilizing insights derived from data analysis to inform strategic business decisions.

Key Components of Business Analytics

Business analytics is the practice of using data analysis, statistical models, and other quantitative methods to understand business performance and drive decision-making. In today’s data-driven world, businesses rely heavily on analytics to gain insights, optimize operations, and achieve strategic objectives. Understanding the key components of business analytics is crucial for leveraging its full potential to enhance competitiveness and efficiency.

1. Data Management

Data management is the foundation of business analytics. It involves collecting, storing, and organizing data in a way that makes it accessible and usable for analysis. Effective data management ensures data quality, consistency, and security, which are essential for producing reliable analytics. This component includes database management systems, data warehouses, and data governance practices that maintain the integrity and availability of data across the organization.

2. Data Mining

Data mining is the process of discovering patterns, correlations, and anomalies within large datasets. It uses techniques from statistics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to identify trends and relationships that might not be immediately obvious. This component is vital for uncovering hidden insights and generating predictive models that can inform business decisions and strategies.

3. Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis involves applying mathematical principles to interpret data and quantify relationships. This component includes descriptive statistics, which summarize data, and inferential statistics, which make predictions or inferences about a population based on a sample. By using statistical methods, businesses can validate hypotheses, identify significant factors affecting performance, and measure the effectiveness of various strategies and initiatives.

4. Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics uses historical data to forecast future events and trends. This component employs techniques such as regression analysis, time series analysis, and machine learning algorithms to build models that predict outcomes. Predictive analytics is crucial for proactive decision-making, allowing businesses to anticipate market changes, customer behaviors, and operational risks, thereby gaining a competitive edge.

5. Data Visualization

Data visualization involves presenting data in graphical or pictorial formats such as charts, graphs, and dashboards. This component helps to simplify complex data and highlight key insights, making it easier for stakeholders to understand and act on the information. Effective data visualization enhances communication, supports better decision-making, and facilitates a clearer understanding of business performance and trends.

6. Business Intelligence

Business intelligence (BI) refers to the technologies, applications, and practices for the collection, integration, analysis, and presentation of business information. BI tools and systems play a critical role in transforming raw data into actionable insights. This component includes reporting, online analytical processing (OLAP), and data mining, enabling businesses to make data-driven decisions, monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), and improve overall efficiency.

7. Implementation and Change Management

Implementing business analytics solutions requires careful planning and change management. This component involves the integration of analytics tools and systems into existing workflows and ensuring that employees are trained to use these tools effectively. Change management strategies are essential for addressing resistance, fostering a data-driven culture, and ensuring that the benefits of analytics are fully realized across the organization.

By understanding and integrating these key components, businesses can harness the power of analytics to drive growth, improve operational efficiency, and make informed decisions that enhance their competitive advantage.


How Does Business Analytics Work: The Process of Business Analytics?

The process of business analytics is systematic and involves several critical steps. Each step is designed to ensure that data is accurately collected, processed, analyzed, and interpreted to drive informed business decisions.

Step-by-Step Process:

1. Identify Business Objectives:

Define the specific goals and objectives that the business aims to achieve through analytics. This step ensures that the analysis is aligned with strategic priorities.

2. Data Collection:

Gather data from relevant sources, ensuring it is accurate, complete, and reliable. This may involve extracting data from internal databases, external sources, or a combination of both.

3. Data Cleaning:

Process and clean the collected data to remove any inaccuracies, duplicates, or inconsistencies. Clean data is crucial for ensuring the validity of the analysis.

4. Data Analysis:

Apply statistical and computational methods to analyze the cleaned data. This involves exploring data patterns, relationships, and trends that are relevant to the business objectives.

5. Data Visualization:

Create visual representations of the analyzed data using charts, graphs, and dashboards. Visualization helps in making complex data more accessible and understandable.

6. Model Building:

Develop predictive models using historical data to forecast future trends and behaviors. This step involves selecting the appropriate modeling techniques and validating their accuracy.

7. Interpretation and Reporting:

Interpret the results of the analysis and models, and generate reports that summarize the findings. These reports should provide actionable insights that can inform business decisions.

8. Decision Making:

Use the insights and recommendations derived from the analysis to make informed business decisions. This step involves implementing strategies and monitoring their impact.

9. Continuous Improvement:

Continuously monitor the outcomes of decisions and refine the analytics process. This involves updating models and methods to ensure they remain relevant and effective in a changing business environment.


Types of Business Analytics

There are different types of business analytics – four to be exact. They each serve a specific purpose and deliver specific data. These 4 analytics come in different stages, and they all are interconnected. In the following section, the information is provided according to the stage and the data these analytics provide.

1. Descriptive Analysis

This is the first stage of business analytics. The descriptive analysis gives a clear picture of what has happened in the past and what the current scenario is. This lets you take a critical look at your current state of the business. Data aggregation and data mining techniques are employed.

This first stage lets you know your business’s strengths and weaknesses. Based on these insights, you can develop strategies to improve your business. You have a clear view of all the statistics that you can make use of. However, this stage will allow you to make basic changes. To know more, you need to move up in the stages.

2. Diagnostic Analysis

Now that you know what the past and the current issues are in the business through descriptive analysis, it is time for you to know why. The diagnostic analysis gives you an even more critical look into the past and present of your business and lets you understand why the issues have occurred and all the reasons behind it.

By providing likelihoods and probabilities, diagnostic analysis tells why such a thing has happened and based on the finding, you can strategise to improve your business. The techniques used in diagnostic analysis data mining, data discovery, drill-down and correlations.

3. Predictive Analysis

Now that the past issues are clear, the 3rd stage in business analytics is predictive analysis that will help you take a look at what is going to happen. This is such an important phase that you need data scientists and machine learning experts to correctly execute the predictive analysis.

Statistical models and machine learning models are built upon the previous 2 stages of analysis. Even text data fed into the model can let one predict user sentiment. Knowing the sentiment of the customer can help launch new products. Predictive analysis gives you detailed reports that will allow you to make complex predictions for the business.

4. Prescriptive Analysis

Prescriptive analysis is the final stage. It goes further than predictive analysis. Through this, you can make models that will help you make accurate predictions and make real-time changes that will give you the best possible results. This model also provides recommended actions based on the results you want from your business.

Recommendation engines are the most popular product of prescriptive analysis. These engines work in real-time and provide excellent results. All because these analyses are all based on sound data, complex neural networks, and deep learning. Prescriptive analysis gives you the best recommendations on the results you need from your business.


Business Analytics Tools

Businesses rely heavily on analytics tools to make informed decisions, optimize operations, and gain competitive advantages. The right business analytics tools can transform raw data into actionable insights, driving better strategies and outcomes. Below are some of the top business analytics tools that have proven essential for organizations looking to leverage data effectively.

1. Tableau

Tableau is a leading data visualization tool known for its ability to transform complex data into understandable, interactive visualizations. Its user-friendly drag-and-drop interface allows users to create a variety of charts, graphs, and maps without needing deep technical knowledge. Tableau supports integration with numerous data sources, making it a versatile choice for businesses of all sizes. The platform’s robust community and extensive resources also provide ample support for users looking to expand their analytical capabilities.

2. Power BI

Microsoft’s Power BI is a powerful business analytics service that enables users to connect to a wide array of data sources, create custom dashboards, and generate detailed reports. It excels in its seamless integration with other Microsoft products like Excel and Azure, providing a cohesive ecosystem for data analysis. Power BI’s cloud-based service allows for real-time data access and collaboration, making it ideal for teams needing to make data-driven decisions on the go.

3. Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense is known for its associative data indexing engine, which allows users to explore data in a non-linear fashion, uncovering hidden insights and relationships. Its self-service analytics capabilities empower users to create personalized reports and dashboards. Qlik Sense also offers strong data governance and security features, ensuring that data integrity is maintained while still providing flexibility in analysis.

4. SAS Business Analytics

SAS offers a comprehensive suite of business analytics tools that cover everything from data management and advanced analytics to reporting and visualization. SAS is particularly strong in statistical analysis and predictive modeling, making it a favorite among data scientists and statisticians. Its powerful analytics engine can handle large datasets and complex computations, providing deep insights and robust forecasting capabilities.

5. Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio is a free, user-friendly data visualization tool that allows users to create interactive dashboards and reports. It integrates seamlessly with other Google products like Google Analytics, Google Ads, and BigQuery, making it an excellent choice for businesses already using the Google ecosystem. Its collaborative features and real-time data updates ensure that teams can work together efficiently and stay up-to-date with the latest insights.

6. Looker

Looker, now part of Google Cloud, is a modern data platform that offers powerful data exploration and visualization capabilities. It uses a unique modeling language, LookML, which allows for scalable and reusable data models. Looker excels in providing real-time analytics and has strong integration capabilities with various data sources, enabling businesses to centralize their data analysis efforts and derive comprehensive insights.

7. Domo

Domo is a cloud-based business intelligence platform that combines data integration, BI, and advanced analytics in a single solution. It offers a range of pre-built connectors to popular data sources and applications, enabling quick and easy data consolidation. Domo’s focus on usability means that business users can create and share custom dashboards with minimal IT intervention, promoting a data-driven culture throughout the organization.

8. SAP BusinessObjects

SAP BusinessObjects is a suite of front-end applications that allow business users to view, sort, and analyze business intelligence data. Known for its enterprise capabilities, it offers a range of tools for reporting, data visualization, and analytics. SAP BusinessObjects is highly scalable, making it suitable for large organizations that require robust data handling and sophisticated analytical capabilities.

9. MicroStrategy

MicroStrategy is an enterprise-grade business intelligence tool that provides comprehensive analytics and mobility solutions. Its platform offers powerful data discovery, advanced analytics, and detailed reporting functionalities. MicroStrategy’s standout feature is its ability to handle large volumes of data with high performance, making it a preferred choice for businesses needing scalable and reliable analytics solutions.

10. TIBCO Spotfire

TIBCO Spotfire is a versatile analytics platform that offers data visualization, predictive analytics, and real-time data analysis. It supports a wide range of data sources and formats, allowing users to uncover deep insights through its intuitive interface. Spotfire’s advanced analytics capabilities, such as machine learning and AI integration, make it a powerful tool for businesses looking to perform complex data analyses.


Choosing the right business analytics tool depends on your organization’s specific needs, existing infrastructure, and future goals. Whether you’re looking for powerful data visualization, real-time analytics, or advanced statistical modeling, there is a tool on this list that can meet your requirements and help drive your business forward.

Benefits/Importance of Business Analytics

The business world is waking up to the importance of business analytics. There are many benefits to using business analytics. Here are a few benefits that will help you realise that business analytics is going to be an integral part of the future of the industry.

  • Makes Use of Big Data – Every transaction you do, or even a comment you put up on social media has the potential to generate big data, and this data can be leveraged by companies to serve customers better.
  • Analyse Mistakes – Business analytics lets you track and understand the mistakes you have made in the past, and you can rectify or completely avoid these mistakes.
  • Accurate Business Decisions – Any decision that is based on sound data and information is always a good decision
  • Comprehensive Look into the Future – Business analytics process data so well that you can have a look into the future with accuracy.
  • Easy to Use & Implement – Business analytics are becoming easier to use and implement. So, you won’t need experts to run business analytics.

Suggested Reading: 12 Reasons Why Business Analytics Is Important In Digital Age

Uses/Application of Business Analytics

Business analytics has many uses and applications. It is one of the biggest game-changers of the modern world, and it is high time businesses realise its importance. Students too have woken up and are showing a willingness to study it. Here’s what business analytics is useful for.

  • Start a Business – Based on all the accurate reports and forecasts of any industry, you can actually start a business in the most prepared manner, and have the best chance of success.
  • Grow your Business – Business analytics is the best and the safest way to grow your business and take away all the risks. Decisions taken through analytics have the best chance to succeed.
  • Analyse Data – Tonnes and tonnes of data is generated, but there arent many methods to analyse this data efficiently. Business analytics is the best way to process this data to get what information you need.
  • Create Business Strategies – The best business analytics tools will help you make business strategies through prescriptive analysis. All you need to do is implement those strategies.
  • Stay Updated to Business Trends – Trends change at a drop of a hat, but modern business analytics tools help you stay updated on the latest trends and implement them into your business.

Suggested Reading: 8 Applications of Business Analytics with Examples 

Real-Time Example of Business Analytics

Business analytics (BA) is the strategic use of data to improve decision-making across all areas of an organization. It involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to gain insights into customer behavior, operational efficiency, and market trends. By leveraging BA, businesses can identify opportunities for growth, optimize processes, and gain a competitive edge.

Here are a few real-world examples of how businesses are using BA to achieve success:

1. Optimizing Customer Experience with Machine Learning (Uber)

Challenge: Ensure a positive user experience for riders using the ride-hailing app.

Solution: Uber implemented a tool called the Customer Obsession Ticket Assistant (COTA) in 2018. This machine learning-powered system analyzes customer support tickets and helps agents respond more quickly and accurately.

Results: COTA led to a 10% reduction in ticket resolution time, improving customer satisfaction and reducing support costs. The success of COTA has led Uber to continue developing and refining the tool using advanced deep learning techniques. [Source: Harvard Business School Online

2. Boosting Sales with Targeted Marketing (PepsiCo)

Challenge: Identify and reach the most receptive audience for a new product launch (Quaker Overnight Oats).

Solution: PepsiCo employed a business analytics solution called Pep Worx. This tool analyzed a massive dataset of 110 million US households to pinpoint the 24 million most likely to be interested in the product. Additionally, Pep Worx identified specific retailers frequented by these target customers.

Results: Targeted marketing campaigns based on the BA insights led to a significant boost in sales. Households identified by Pep Worx drove a staggering 80% of the product’s sales growth in its first year.


Business Analytics Vs. Business Intelligence

Understanding the difference between Business Analytics (BA) and Business Intelligence (BI) is crucial for organizations aiming to leverage their data effectively. While both fields focus on utilizing data to drive business decisions, they differ in their approaches, tools, and end goals. BI is more about describing what has happened and generating insights through data reporting, while BA focuses on predictive and prescriptive analytics to forecast future trends and suggest actions.

Aspect Business Analytics (BA) Business Intelligence (BI)
Focus Predictive and prescriptive analysis Descriptive analysis and reporting
Purpose To forecast future trends and recommend actions To provide historical insights and understand past events
Approach Uses statistical models, machine learning, and algorithms Uses dashboards, reports, and data warehousing
Time Orientation Future-oriented Past and present-oriented
Key Tools SAS, R, Python, predictive modeling tools Tableau, Power BI, SAP BusinessObjects
Decision-Making Data-driven decisions based on predictions and simulations Data-driven decisions based on historical data
Outcome Improved future performance through actionable insights Better understanding of past performance and current status

Related Blog: A Comprehensive Comparison: Business Analytics Vs Business Intelligence

Business Analytics Vs Data Analytics

While Business Analytics (BA) and Data Analytics (DA) are often used interchangeably, they serve distinct purposes within the data landscape. BA is a subset of DA with a specific focus on business context, applying data insights to improve business outcomes. DA encompasses a broader scope, including data collection, processing, and analysis across various domains, not limited to business applications.

Aspect Business Analytics (BA) Data Analytics (DA)
Scope Specific to business-related data analysis Broader, includes various fields like healthcare, science, etc.
Purpose To enhance business decision-making To extract insights and patterns from data
Focus Business performance, strategy, and operations General data trends, patterns, and relationships
Techniques Predictive analytics, prescriptive analytics, data mining Descriptive analytics, exploratory data analysis, inferential statistics
Application Business strategy, financial planning, marketing analysis Scientific research, technological development, general problem-solving
Key Tools Tableau, Power BI, SAS, Excel Python, R, SQL, Hadoop, Spark
Outcome Enhanced business performance and competitive advantage Improved understanding of data and informed decision-making


Scope of Business Analytics in India

The scope of Business Analytics in India is expanding rapidly as organizations across various sectors recognize the importance of data-driven decision-making. With the proliferation of digital technologies and the availability of vast amounts of data, businesses are increasingly leveraging analytics to gain insights, optimize operations, and enhance customer experiences. This trend is not limited to large corporations; small and medium enterprises are also adopting analytics to stay competitive and drive growth.

India’s growing economy, coupled with a tech-savvy workforce, creates a fertile ground for the adoption of business analytics. Industries such as IT, finance, healthcare, retail, and e-commerce are at the forefront of this transformation. The demand for skilled analytics professionals is on the rise, leading to a surge in educational programs and certifications focused on data science and business analytics. Additionally, with the government’s push towards digitization and initiatives like Digital India, the integration of analytics into various aspects of business and governance is set to accelerate further.

How You Can Make Career in Business Analytics

Business analytics is an excellent area in business to make a career in. Many careers are coming up and the pay is also quite good as these are expert positions. You need to find and study a good course from a reputed institute. There are many postgraduate courses for business analytics you can enroll in for. There are certification courses as well that you can do.

Some careers in business analytics that you can pursue are financial analyst, data architect, big data engineer, marketing analytics manager, and analytics specialist. There are many other careers as well, and all of these careers come of a high salary tag and many benefits.

Suggested Reading: PGDM in Business Analytics: Everything You Need to Know

Business Analytics Courses in India

India has witnessed a surge in demand for skilled professionals in the field of Business Analytics (BA), leading to the development of a wide range of courses tailored to meet industry needs. These courses encompass various aspects of analytics, including data analysis, predictive modeling, machine learning, and data visualization, preparing students for careers in analytics-driven roles across diverse sectors.

Here are some prominent Business Analytics courses offered in India:

  • Post Graduate Program in Business Analytics (PGP-BA): Offered by premier institutions like Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs), Indian School of Business (ISB), and top universities, this intensive program covers statistical analysis, data mining, predictive modeling, and business intelligence tools.
  • Master of Business Analytics (MBA): Many business schools and universities offer specialized MBA programs in Business Analytics, combining core business courses with advanced analytics modules. Students gain expertise in strategic decision-making, data-driven marketing, and business optimization.
  • Certification Courses in Data Science and Analytics: Institutes and online platforms offer short-term certification programs in Data Science, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and Data Visualization. These courses focus on practical skills, tools, and techniques essential for analytics roles.
  • Executive Programs in Analytics: Designed for working professionals, executive programs in Analytics provide in-depth knowledge and skills in areas such as data management, business intelligence, and advanced analytics. These programs often offer flexible learning formats to accommodate busy schedules.
  • Advanced Diploma in Business Analytics: Institutes offering specialized diplomas in Business Analytics provide comprehensive training in data analysis, statistical modeling, data storytelling, and data-driven decision-making for aspiring analysts and managers.
  • Online Courses and MOOCs: Platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity offer a wide range of online courses and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Business Analytics. These courses cover fundamental concepts, tools like Python and R, and advanced topics such as machine learning algorithms.
  • Industry-specific Analytics Programs: Some institutes and universities offer sector-specific analytics programs focused on industries like finance, healthcare, retail, and marketing. These programs provide domain-specific knowledge and analytics skills tailored to industry requirements.
  • Data Science Bootcamps: Short-term, intensive bootcamp-style programs in Data Science and Business Analytics are gaining popularity. These bootcamps offer hands-on training, projects, and mentorship to quickly upskill participants for analytics roles.
  • Corporate Training Programs: Many companies and organizations conduct in-house training programs and workshops in Business Analytics for their employees. These programs focus on aligning analytics skills with business goals and industry best practices.
  • Analytics Specializations in Engineering and Management Degrees: Universities offering engineering and management degrees often have specialized tracks or electives in Business Analytics. Students can choose analytics-focused courses as part of their degree programs.These diverse Business Analytics courses cater to students, professionals, and organizations seeking to develop expertise in data-driven decision-making and harness the power of analytics for business growth and innovation.

    Future of Business Analytics

    The future of Business Analytics (BA) is poised for significant advancements and transformations driven by emerging technologies, evolving business needs, and a data-centric culture. Several key trends are shaping the trajectory of BA and are likely to define its landscape in the coming years.

    1. AI and Machine Learning Integration in Business Analytics:

    As Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies mature, they will play a crucial role in enhancing BA capabilities. Advanced algorithms will enable predictive and prescriptive analytics, empowering businesses to forecast trends, automate decision-making processes, and uncover valuable insights from complex data sets.

    2. Real-time Analytics:

     The demand for real-time data analysis will continue to rise, driven by the need for instant insights and proactive decision-making. Businesses will leverage technologies like in-memory computing and stream processing to perform analytics on data as it is generated, enabling timely responses to changing market dynamics.

    3. Augmented Analytics:

     Augmented Analytics, combining AI, ML, and Natural Language Processing (NLP), will democratize data analysis by making it more accessible to non-technical users. Tools and platforms will offer automated insights, natural language querying, and augmented data preparation, empowering business users to derive actionable insights independently.

    4. Data Privacy and Ethics:

     With increasing concerns about data privacy and ethics, businesses will prioritize responsible data practices. Compliance with regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and evolving data protection laws will drive organizations to adopt robust data governance frameworks, ensuring transparency, accountability, and ethical use of data in analytics processes.

    5. Edge Analytics:

     The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and edge computing capabilities will fuel the adoption of edge analytics. Organizations will leverage edge computing resources to analyze data at the source, reducing latency, optimizing bandwidth usage, and enabling real-time insights for IoT-driven applications.

    6. Hybrid and Multi-Cloud Analytics:

     Hybrid and multi-cloud environments will become the norm, leading to the integration of diverse data sources and analytics platforms. Businesses will leverage cloud-based analytics services for scalability, agility, and collaboration while managing sensitive data on-premises or in private cloud environments for security and compliance.

    7. Focus on Customer Experience:

     BA will increasingly focus on enhancing customer experience through personalized analytics-driven insights. Businesses will leverage customer data platforms, sentiment analysis, and predictive modeling to understand customer behavior, preferences, and sentiment, driving targeted marketing strategies and improving customer satisfaction.

    8. Skillset Evolution:

    The evolving landscape of BA will demand a diverse skillset combining technical expertise with domain knowledge and business acumen. Professionals will need to develop skills in data science, data engineering, data storytelling, and domain-specific analytics to thrive in a data-driven economy.

    Overall, the future of Business Analytics is characterized by innovation, agility, and a strategic approach to data utilization. Businesses that embrace these trends and invest in advanced analytics capabilities will gain a competitive edge, driving growth, innovation, and value creation in the digital era.



Business analytics is an excellent field to make a career in. It is going to change businesses for the better. Many business analytics tools are currently being used by some of the biggest businesses and have become a part of our everyday life. There are many benefits as well to using business analytics.

Business analytics also scores over business intelligence as it is better at predictive and prescriptive analysis. Therefore, making it a better product for improving the business. Careers in business analysis are also quite good. Therefore, one can safely say that this aspect of business is only going to grow and dictate other aspects of business. Therefore, if you are choosing to get an education in business analytics, you are making the right move.

Suggested: Top 15 Career Opportunities after PGDM in Business Analytics

Gear Up For the Future With ASM’s IBMR

Education is the first step if you want to be an expert in business analytics and the best place to start your education is ASMs IBMR. It is one of the top colleges in Pune for undergrad and higher education. The institute offers a PGDM in Business Analytics & Big Data which has been rated as one of the best in the industry. It is an industry-centric course taught by excellent faculty and guest faculty from the business analytics and big data industry.

IBMR also has many other industry-centric courses that will put you on the fast track to success. You should visit the institute and take a look at the courses, infrastructure and even meet with the faculty. Our counsellors will also give you all the information you need on the dual specialisations PGDM. Get in touch today!

ASM's Institute of Business Management & Research, Pune was established in 1983. It is affiliated to University of Pune. It is a prominent institute for higher education in the state of Maharashtra.