If you have decided to pursue your MBA, you will probably be looking for great business schools that will help you meet your goal. And as we are sure you have found out by now, it is not as simple as choosing a random school and applying. You have to carefully research and find a business school that will match your career goals.
How to Choose a Business School in India?
When choosing a business school, there are a variety of areas that you need to research on. Here are some key focal points:
Reputation: The repute of a business school has to be looked from both a professional as well as an industrial standpoint. Has the institute been lauded by industries? Is it recommended by well-known magazine researches? What is its rank in national educational surveys? Be sure to get all this information before you start researching the MBA programs.
The Program: Go through the details of the MBA program thoroughly. Most colleges showcase a basic itinerary of subjects that will be taught in the course. Read about the various delivery methods that will be used to pass on the information (case studies, multimedia presentations, web-based training, training through VSAT, etc.). Does the course also have activities like industrial visits, or lectures from industry professionals? These will help you broaden your business perspectives and ideas. Then looking at your personal goals, check if the program will meet your requirements.
Expenditure: Like any other person, the moment we consider enrolling in a business school, one of the first thoughts would be how much the course costs. Everyone knows that MBA programs are incredibly expensive. While it is important that you study at a reputed business school, ensure that the overall costs (entrance exams and fees + tuition + stay) will meet your budget.
Faculty and Alumni: Make it a point to check out the faculty and alumni of the college. Reading about the faculty can help you understand more about the institute, as well as the quantity and the quality of information that you will be exposed to. The alumni can give you a first-hand insight about how the institute functions, and how you can benefit from the course. It can also help you create a good network for your job in the future.
Location: The location of the college matters immensely as you should be placed in a position to grab study and work opportunities easily. Ensure that the city where the institute is based is beneficial when it comes to internships, travelling to industrial areas, networking, etc.
Placements: Most institutes nowadays provide placement opportunities. Check out the institute's website and see the various companies that visit the college. This can also help you narrow down your list of choices.
Tips to Remember: Be clear as to the reasons why you want to do an MBA. Do a self-assessment of your professional goals, as this will help in finding the right business school with the right course.
Depending on whether you are a fresh graduate or an experienced professional, choose the right type of MBA program that will meet your needs. A few examples are: executive MBA, two years full-time MBA, one year full-time or part-time MBA, or MBA through distance learning.
The amalgamation of these points will make it easier for you to choose the right business school and MBA course that will push your career forward.