CMAT Admit Card 2020
The release date for CMAT admit card tickets is nearby. They will be available for download from the 24th of December. Many students like to download their admit cards just a day or two before the exam. However, dont do this. There may be some issues in the admit card and it would be too late to change. Therefore, right after the admit cards are ready for download, you should check online to spot any errors and download it for CMAT 2020.
The CMAT 2020 is scheduled for the 28th of January, 2020, and as a student, you must be busy with studying and preparation. There must be many stressful things on your mind, including the admit card. So, learn how to download your admit card and other important information, so that you have one less thing to worry about. Below is all the information you will need. You can follow it for downloading your admit card.
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How to Download CMAT 2020 Admit Card
Downloading the admit card can be a hassle for some people who have not done something similar before. There are many steps involved in the whole process, but if you follow the instructions given below, you will have no problem.
Here are steps for how to download CMAT 2020 admit card:
Step 1: Visit Official Website
You have to log on to the official website. This is the same website you had used to register and pay online fees for CMAT 2020. Post the 24th of December, there will be a link or button on the website announcing that the admit cards are ready for download. You have to click on that link or button. A page will open where you are required to log in.
Step 2: Login
This login page will require you to enter the registration number, also known as the application number, password, and the security pin. Make sure that you have entered the right number. Once the correct information is entered, a page will display your full admit card.
Step 3: Admit Card
The admit card will be displayed on the screen. You have to look at the details on the admit card for accuracy. Once satisfied, you have to click on the download button, and download a soft copy of the admit card on your computer.
Step 4: Get the Admit Card Printed
Now the only step that remains is to get the admit card printed. If you have access to a printer, get it printed right there or you can take a copy on a portable drive and then get the print from outside. Be sure to make multiple copies, in case you lose one, Then you wont have to scramble around to get it printed.
CMAT 2019 Admit Card: Important Points to Remember
Regarding your admit card and your CMAT 2020, there are many important points to remember. These points will help you with the exam. So, pay close attention.
1. Download -
Please note that this year, you have to download your admit cards from the NTA website and not AICTE.
2. Instructions -
Down below on your admit card, there are a set of instructions. Read them carefully and follow them to the letter.
3. Print -
Get a colour print of your admit card, so your picture and signature would look better and easily readable.
4. Keep Safe -
Although you can take multiple printouts of your admit card, it is still a better idea to keep the one you have safe till the day of the exam.
5. Exam Centre -
It is important that you visit your exam centre a day before the exam to know its exact address. In some smaller cities, the exam centres can be hard to find.
6. Electronics -
You are not allowed to carry your phone or even a calculator during the exam. So, dont carry any electronic gadgets with you during the exam.
Documents Required Along With CMAT Admit Card
Just carrying your admit card is not enough. There are other documents as well that you need to carry on the day of the examination. Down below is the list of documents you need to have, Make sure you have them and get it on the day of the exam.
1. Photograph -
You have to carry one passport size photograph of yourself that will be attached to the attendance sheet.
2. Cast & PwD Certificate -
Students who have claimed to belong to reserved categories and the People with Disabilities category, need to carry the official certificate proving it.
3. PAN Card -
This a picture ID proof that will be matched with the picture printed on your hall ticket.
4. Driving Licens -
If you have a valid driving license, you can carry that as well as your picture ID proof. However, in some states, driving licenses are not considered as proper ID as they can be faked. So, enquire in advance about valid IDs.
5. Passport-
Your passport is another strong type of ID proof you can carry to your CMAT 2020 exam. However, make sure the passport is renewed and valid.
6. Voter ID Card-
If you do not have any of the abovementioned ID proofs, you can use your voter ID as well. However, voter cards are notorious for having improper spellings, so be careful.
*Please note that you do not have to carry all the identification documents mentioned above. Just one or two ID proofs is enough.
What to Check on CMAT Admit Card 2020
Once your admit cards are ready for download, which is the 24th of December, there are a few things that you have to check on the admit card. Make sure it is in order.
Date of examination
Your application number
Your registration or roll number
Your name
Caste Category
Fathers name
Name of the test
Medium of the paper
Reporting time
Closing time
Allotted shift (morning or afternoon)
Test centre number
Examination centres address
Your signature and photograph
How to Correct Errors in CMAT Admit Card 2020?
If you come across any errors in your admit card, you have to get in touch with the authorities conducting the test. You can get in touch over the phone or email with the National Testing Agency or AICTE.
Hopefully, the above-given information is enough for you to download your admit card for CMAT 2020 and understand other important factors regarding the examination.
If you still want to know more about CMAT 2020 exam, you can click on the following below links.