The origin of the Egyptians is a very controversial issue. Some scientists who have devoted their entire lives to studying the history and culture of Egypt believe that they are related to Asia, while others, on the contrary, say that the origin of the Egyptian people is directly related to the African-American race.Despite all the contradictions, we should not forget that this state in ancient times occupied one of the leading places in the development of both the cultural heritage of all mankind and the human mind as a whole. It was the most powerful empire in which the opinion of the rulers was in the first place, and the people are subordinates. The main principle of everything is the steadfastness and incomprehensibility of the whole world, gods, rulers.Important factors in the beliefs of the Egyptians were: the cult of the Pharaoh, their religious worldview and the cult of the funeral life. Let's look at each of these nuances in more detail.1)Who is Pharaoh in the eyes of the people? This is not just the ruler of the empire, it is its owner. Many people are familiar with such a phrase as "Pharaoh's house", which is equated with the term "state". It follows from this that in those days such qualities as obedience, devotion and complete obedience to the pharaoh were held in high esteem. If a person resisted this, then God's punishment promised him both during life and in the afterlife. Pharaoh is the son of God in human form.2) If we talk about the religiosity of the Egyptians, it is worth saying that this is a very difficult layering of different beliefs, which appeared at different time intervals and in different places. The ancient Egyptian people had a large number of gods and, what is unusual, they were called differently, depending on the time of day. For example, they called the most important god (the Sun god) Khepri - at sunrise; Ra - at zenith; Atum - at sunset.Otherwise, the deities were the personification of various natural phenomena and at the same time, a manifestation of certain social orders. So there was even a temple with sacred birds - ibises. The building was named after them.Religious rites occupy a separate place. They were often amazingly magnificent and grandiose. Thus, the cult of bulls was the richest. For example, the bull Apis, according to tradition, was the messenger and servant of the god Ptah, who in turn symbolized fertility.The main plant symbol of ancient Egypt was the lotus.For the Egyptians, the most important factor in the whole culture was the opposition to death. They believed that any soul is immortal and this was the most important feature of the worldview of an entire civilization. Thus, the cult of the funeral life appears.If we rely on the ideas of the Egyptian people, then any person absorbs several essential features - Sah, Shunt, Ba, Ah, Ren. The most important thing remains Ka - this is the human soul.Ka had to find her Sah (body) after death, and reunite with it again, and that's when the resurrection took place. It turned out a kind of cycle. It was from this that the tradition of mummification of the human body began. One of this year's new and popular games is aviator. The popularity of
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