10 Reasons Why ASM’s PGDM Is The Perfect Choice For Aspiring Business Professionals?
May 5, 2022
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Reasons Why ASM’s PGDM Is The Perfect Choice For Aspiring Business Professionals?
May 13, 2022

Baked chicken meatballs

In a baked context, the meatballs are even tastier and more appetizing than in the usual boiled. Do not believe? Then you just need to try to cook them according to our recipe. To do it is very, very simple.

1 chicken egg;
120 gr. chopped bacon;
400 gr. minced meat from chicken;
1 slice of garlic medium sizes;
3 slices of white bread;
1 tbsp. l. olive oil;
1/3 cup of milk;
3 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh parsley;
1 small head on onions;
2 tbsp. tomato paste.

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To begin with, we take a lattice baking sheet or just a grille for an oven, put it on one of the upper levels and turn on the oven, putting a temperature of 200 C. It is better to do this a little in advance, so that then you do not waste time, waiting for the oven to warmer.
Put white soft bread in a small bowl and pour it with milk. Leave the bread to get wet for about four to five minutes.
The bacon will need to be finely chopped, put in a frying pan and fry so that it acquires a characteristic brownish tint and becomes crispy. It is not necessary to add oil, because fat is quickly smelted from bacon.
Put the fried bacon on paper towels. This is necessary in order to absorb all unnecessary excess fat.
Put finely chopped onions in a frying pan with fat, salt and pepper. You will need salt and pepper for about half a teaspoon. No more. To make the dish more fragrant, it is advisable to use just grinding black pepper.
When the onion becomes soft and golden, add the garlic finely chopped or rolled through the garlic, mix it with onions and hold it for another half a minute on the light. This time will be enough for a characteristic aroma to appear. Immediately after this, you need to turn off the fire and temporarily set aside onions and garlic with spices.
Put the minced chicken fillet, fried bacon in a large bowl, drive an egg, put tomato paste, chopped greens and, of course, our fried aromatic bow, which we recently removed from the fire.
The bread needs to be slightly squeezed and also sent to a bowl with minced meat. All together you will need to mix very well.
From the finished minced meat, blind about twelve meatballs that will need to be evenly distributed around the entire sheet of paper (you need to use, of course, a special parchment for baking).
Combine a spoonful of tomato paste with olive oil, mix and lubricate the coniferous sauce on top.
That's all - you can send meatballs to the preheated oven for about twenty minutes, then serve them hot to the table.
[/list] After making chicken mitballs, you can relax and distract yourself with a new crash game that is available in Brazil and around the world - https://pipacrash.online/

